Wednesday, October 22, 2008

What is Roots PR?

Roots PR is my small attempt to help raise the standards of the PR profession by addressing what I believe is the fundamental challenge facing us - the complete undermining of the foundational elements of our business. Among the causes:

- Agency leadership that fails to invest in their #1 asset - their staff
- Corporate managers that refuse to engage in communications
- Talking heads that bemoan the problems in the industry but provide no tactical advice to solve them
- Holier than thou reporters and editors who fail to understand the role PR plays
- On-the-ground staff who cower in fear instead of pushing forward with confidence.

I believe that we all occassionally exhibit these qualities and generally it is not due to malice but more often a result of frustration, stress, lack of communication and inability to correct the problems - all of which are inherent in the symbiotic relationship between the media and companies.

I love both the media and the PR profession and so I blog.

Roots PR is also an outgrowth of my personal frustration with the mispronunciation of my last name by telemarketers. I'll share my favorites occassionally thoughout my posts (the correct pronunciation is mic-MUR-tree)

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